Digital • Infrastructure • Fund

OSS as Digital Infrastructure: Legal Technologies & Institutional Design

Developing and maintaining open source software (OSS) relies on an integration of the technical (e.g. the ways in which open source code is engineered and maintained); the social (e.g. the communities formed around particular OSS projects and their values); and the organizational (e.g. formal OSS institutions, but also cross-cutting regulations, financing, and governance).

Consequently, legal and governance infrastructures shape how the digital infrastructure of open source software is developed and maintained.

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Benedict Kingsbury


Thomas Streinz


Angelina Fisher


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"OSS as Digital Infrastructure Legal Technologies & Institutional Design

Research 'One-Pager'

Benedict Kingsbury, Thomas Streinz, Angelina Fisher

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"Infrastructures and Laws: Publics and Publicnes

LJ Working Paper 2021/3 InfraReg Series'

Benedict Kingsbury, Nahuel Maisley

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"Infrastructure and InfraReg: On Rousing the International Law ‘Wizards of Is’

LJ Working Paper 2021/3 (InfraReg Series)'

Benedict Kingsbury

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